Condiciones y Restricciones
Personal data protection and privacy policy

BOXEXPRESS COURIER S.A.S., En cumplimiento de lo dispuesto por la Ley 1581 de 2012, que regula la recolección y tratamiento de los datos de carácter personal y establece las garantías legales que deben cumplir todas las personas en Colombia para el debido tratamiento de dicha información, expide las siguientes Políticas y procedimientos que desarrollan la seguridad de la información para el tratamiento de datos personales dentro de la organización.

Haz click para Descargar PDF de nuestra Política de tratamiento de datos personales.

  1. No está permitido enviar más de seis (6) unidades de un mismo artículo, indiferente de su color, talla o referencia. 
  2. El valor declarado de su envío no puede exceder los USD $2.000.
  3. El peso no puede superar las 110 Libras o 50 Kilogramos. Pregunte a su agente. 
  4. La sumatoria de todas las medidas no pueden exceder las 118" o 3 metros, o que uno de sus lados supere las 59" o 1.50 metros.
  5. Que no incluya publicaciones que atenten contra la moral y/o buenas costumbres, narcóticos, drogas no autorizadas o mercancía cuya importación este prohibida.Que no incluya mercancías sobre las cuales existan restricciones legales o administrativas para su importación. 

  1. Cargas peligrosas, inflamables, corrosivas, aerosoles, radioactivas, armas de cualquier clase, vestimenta o artículos de uso oficial o militar, vídeos o literatura pornográfica, medicinas, alimentos, animales vivos o muertos, artículos de seguridad, Desechos orgánicos, hospitalarios, licores y otros que contemple la autoridad aeroportuaria, policial y/o aduanera.
  2. Jewelry, fine stones, precious metals, coins, securities, credit/debit cards, cash, articles considered historical or cultural heritage, antiques, works of art, artistic objects.
  3. Hallucinogens or any other type of prohibited substances.


All the contents of your shipment without exception must be declared, you can not omit information as it would be grounds for seizure or seizure of your cargo by the DIAN Article 232 Decree 2685 of 1999.s.

  1. The shipment of TV and/or Monitors is under the responsibility and written authorization of the customer, Box Express and its insurance company are not responsible for any physical damage that may occur during international transport.
  2. Package consolidation must comply with the weight, quantity, declared value and measurement restrictions authorized for Courier shipments.

The importation of goods subject to shipments or urgent deliveries whose value does not exceed USD $200, will not cause the VAT sales tax, it will only pay Tariff. In case of exceeding USD $200, the total amount of VAT and Duties on the CIF value must be paid in full.

  1. Consignación en Banco de Occidente (Colombia) 
  2. Botón PSE (Colombia) 
  3. Punto Vía Baloto (Colombia)
  4. Paypal
  5. Zelle Transfer
  6. Blackstone


According to article 128 of Decree 2685/99, it shall give rise to a readjustment of its value when the customs inspector considers that the declared value is lower than the actual value of the merchandise. Within five (5) days following the practice of such diligence, the client may present the documents that prove that the declared value is in accordance with the valuation rules or correct the Declaration in the manner provided in the Inspection Act. If he/she does not agree, he/she may file a Right of Petition, in which he/she must submit the following documents:

  1. Photocopy of the recipient's identity card.
  2. Copy of the invoice for the item.
  3. Receipt of payment

Important: The right of petition will not proceed if it does not comply with the requirements demanded for the modality of Postal Traffic or Urgent Shipments.


After the customer has been notified of the readjustment and in order to finalize the import procedure of your shipment according to the Colombian Customs Statute (decree 2685 of 1999) for VAT and Duties, the value must be paid within the same month that gave rise to the readjustment. After the expiration of the first date, you will have 30 additional days to legalize your shipment by paying an additional 15% for the redemption of the merchandise, in addition to the storage expenses that have been caused (article 231 decree 2685 of 1999). Once the terms established in the Law have elapsed without the merchandise having been legalized, it will be processed as abandoned and the National Tax and Customs Directorate will be able to dispose of it as property of the Nation.


Our coverage includes the main capitals and municipalities of the Colombian departments.


Our coverage for postal traffic exports extends to more than 20 countries worldwide, through a strategic partner.

  1. Daily flights from the United States (Miami) to Colombia (Bogota).
  2. Next Day Service 24 hours to Bogota and 48 hours to main cities.
  3. Second Day Service 48 hours to Bogota and 72 hours to main cities.
  4. Servicio Courier Regular de 4 a 6 días hábiles desde Miami. 
  5. Note: Re-shipment destinations or special routes depends on the frequency of departure of the Re-shipper, delivery time after arrival in Colombia 4 to 6 working days.
  1. BoxEx será responsable por el pago del seguro en caso de pérdida total de la caja de acuerdo al valor asegurado por él cliente, con un monto máximo hasta USD $500.
  2. The insurance only covers the insured value of the cargo and not the declared value, excluding the freight value.
  3. El Seguro no cubre averías o perdidas parciales, solo cubre falta de entrega total de la caja. 
  4. Claims can only be filed within 3 business days of receipt of shipment.
  5. El seguro no cubre mercancía no declarada o manifestada por el remitente.  
  6. El cliente da fe que lo declarado en la guía de transporte es lo correcto y no habrá lugar a un reclamo por mercancia no manifestada o asegurada. 


BoxEx dispone de medios tecnológicos que permiten actualizar el estado de la carga en su tránsito a través del Portal. El cliente podrá ingresar aquí para realizar el seguimiento o rastreo de sus envíos con el número de guía asignado el cual se encuentra debajo del codigo de barras de su recibo. 

  1. WAREHOUSE: The packages that enter the warehouse in Miami, will have the first 20 days FREE of storage, after this time will be charged $ 20.00 per month.
  2. RETURN OF IN/OUT PACKAGES: In case the cargo does not comply with the requirements demanded by the DIAN or the client decides to withdraw his package, it will have a cost of USD $20.00.
  3. Reempaque: La consolidación hasta tres (3) paquetes es gratis, después del tercer (3) paquete se cobra usd $1 por paquete reempacado.
  4. División: Se cobra usd $1 por cada paquete dividido.

El cliente deberá notificar la llegada de su carga a BoxEx para su instrucción de despacho, si pasados sesenta (60) días calendario no se ha recibido dicha notificación y no pago del valor del envío previamente informado, BoxEx declarará la carga en abandono.

Debido a que los paquetes cumplieron el tiempo máximo de permanencia en bodega.  Una vez cumplido el tiempo la carga sera entregada al área correspondiente para el control y abandono de los mismos, y no se encontrarán disponibles para despacharse en un futuro.


The customer authorizes Box Express to send advertising and/or promotions through text messages or via email, phone call, printed matter or information in the directory.

  1. Dangerous, flammable, corrosive, aerosols, radioactive cargo, weapons of any kind, clothing or articles for official or military use, pornographic videos or literature, food, live or dead animals, security items, organic waste, hospital waste, liquor and others contemplated by the airport, police and/or customs authorities.
  2. Jewelry, fine stones, precious metals, coins, securities, credit/debit cards, cash, articles considered historical or cultural heritage, antiques, works of art, artistic objects.
  3. Hallucinogens or any other type of prohibited substances.
  1. Dangerous, flammable, corrosive, aerosols, radioactive cargo, weapons of any kind, clothing or articles for official or military use, pornographic videos or literature, food, live or dead animals, security items, organic waste, hospital waste, liquor and others contemplated by the airport, police and/or customs authorities.
  2. Jewelry, fine stones, precious metals, coins, securities, credit/debit cards, cash, articles considered historical or cultural heritage, antiques, works of art, artistic objects.
  3. Hallucinogens or any other type of prohibited substances.
  1. Any flammable, corrosive or explosive material, product with alcohol as its first ingredient, Cleaning products, Fireworks and gunpowder, Gas, Tear gas or pepper spray, Lighters.
  2. Firearms and ammunition, Poison, Pressurized containers, Gas-powered tools, Perishable goods, Drugs, Tattoo machines, Live or stuffed animals.
  3. Goods with a value of $1000.00 or more are subject to a formal customs process (additional cost for paperwork and storage).

Condiciones para el envío de Televisores y/o Monitores.

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